Basic description
Actions to preserve the contemporary heritage are self-regeneratives contributing to the resilience of the cities
Contemporary urban and architectural heritage is understood as the ensemble of cultural assets whose chronology dates from the early 20th century and recognised as manifestations of progress in the fields of science, politics, economics, culture and society of the last century in terms of its content, techniques and materiality. Its conservation and preservation contribute to the understanding of history, technological and social progress, as well as other phenomena that have occurred over the period. In this sense ARURCOHE is by antonomasy an European project. ARURCOHE approaches:
1.- contemporary urban planning and architecture as something to be preserved, because it relevantly contributes to define the identity of European cities.
2.- conservation, reuse, management as actions aimed at economic and environmental sustainability, that responds to the demands of European society.
3.- idiosyncrasy of the new graduated generations in Europe in terms of innovation skills, multidisciplinary "point of view", broad internationalization, fostering teamwork and the employability of the graduates.
Added value of ARURCOHE is based on:
1.- The architectural and urban contemporary heritage form a part of the cities and its preservation will participate of the future and evolution of the European cities
2.- The adoption of the Resilience concept to the contemporary heritage; within the resilience chain the resilience of the contemporary heritage will be a part of the resilience of the cities to reach to the Europe-wide resilience.
3.- The contemporary heritage is an asset of the cities.
4.- Solid qualification of the students including skill and innovative formation, teamwork needs and economic and environmental sustainability needs.
5.- Enhancing the European Higher Education Area and its internationalization.
6.- Enhancing the employability of the young people.
7.- Holistic approach of the educational planning
General academic scenario
ARURCOHE is a presential 90 ECTS (18 months) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master organized in three Blocks for a maximum of 30 students. The teaching methodology is structured in magisterial lectures, specific lessons, invited conferences and practical work carried out by students in groups of three students. In relation to the practical works, the Academic Committee has prepared eight dossiers to be worked on by the students in Block 1 (see the "Dossiers for Blocxk 1" in Courses and Syllabus page). These are unitary elements and urban environments close to the city of Donostia-San Sebastián where the first six months (Block 1) of ARURCOHE is taught.

Block 1: Approach and Knowledge
- 30 ECTS. Months 1-6
- Location: Donostia-San Sebastián
- Coordination: ETSASS.
- Courses (mandatory for all students):
1.- The context of both the construction, urbanism and the architectures of the 20th century
2.- Survey and digital modelling
3.- The scientific culture applied to the analysis of the contemporary urban and built heritage
4.- Buildings and sites in the 20th century
5.- Inspection, diagnosis and repair of structures
6.- The building envelope: characterization, decay, solutions and the colour analysis
Dossiers and academic news
Block 2: Design ("How do it")
- 30 ECTS. Months 7-12
- Location: Torino
- Coordination: POLITO
- Courses (mandatory for all students):
1.- Safeguarding and conservation of the 20th century architecture
2.- Management, reuse and sustainability
3.- Urban needs and requirements
4.- End users and citizens participation
5.- Design seminar and case
By ends of Block 3 the students can register a doctoral thesis project in the active Doctoral Programmes of the Partners depending national educational legislation.
Block 3: Master Dissertation ("To analyze, evaluate and create")
- 30 ECTS. Months 13-18
- Location: Kaunas or Torino
- Coordination: KTUFCEA or POLITO
The Master Dissertation will come within, or include, several of the following scenarios:
1.- Contribute to the contemporary architectural register. 2.- Create the conceptual framework that contextualises, in historic and social terms, the manifestations of contemporary architecture and cultural heritage overall. 3.- Fostering research studies in the field of conservation methodology and techniques for this specific heritage. 4.- Fostering research transfer activities in the field of contemporary heritage (spin-offs). 5.- Fostering the protection of contemporary cultural heritage under sustainability criteria. 6.- The study of new protection strategies. 7.- Policies and investments for the conservation of modern heritage assets. 8.- Disseminate examples of good practice in the preservation and reuse of modern heritage.
Two Paths are foreseen (students have to select one of them in the selection process):
Path 1 (at Torino): Sustainable new constructions in an existing urban heritage environment
Path 2 (at Kaunas): Sustainable refurbishment and maintenance of existing buildings or urban places with heritage values
Only the Path selection in Block 3 (Master Dissertation) is optional. ARURCOHE will be issued to all the students two diplomas regardless of the selected Path and the location of Master Dissertation and Courses:
(i) from the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) the joint diploma university Master "Architectural and urban contemporary heritage-ARURCOHE" and
(ii) from the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) the diploma university Master di livello II "Architectural and urban contemporary