Staff and Committees
Prof. Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz (Program Director) by UPV/EHU,
Prof. Izaskun Aseginolaza by UPV/EHU,
Full Prof. Paolo Mellano by POLITO and
Full Prof. Jurate Kamicaityte by KTU
Full Professor Santiago Sánchez Beitia was the first Program Director (July 2022-January 2025) and Responsible for the application for ARURCOHE funding from the European Commission.

The Academic Committee
Members of the Academic Committee:
Prof. Paolo Mellano by POLITO
Prof. Jurate Kamicaityte by KTUFCEA
Prof. Izaskun Aseginolaza by UPV/EHU (ETSASS) on behalf of
Prof. Santiago Sánchez-Beitia (Program Director) by UPV/EHU (ETSASS)
2.- Management of students' mobility together with the administrative staff of each partner and together with the main partner .
Members of the Mobility Committee:
Ana Azpiri Albistegui (UPV/EHU, ETSASS)
Jurate Ivanauskiene (KTUFCEA)
Antonietta Cerrato (POLITO)
The Student's Committee
It consists of two students (one by Path in Master Dissertation) elected among them and one graduate of previous editions. The Student Committee role is to involve students in the organization of the EMJMD. The Committeee will be a part of the meetings of both the Academic Committee and the Mobility Committee. The Advisor Committee will contact with the Students Committee in order to agree the continuous modifications if necessary.
Member´s name will be published on October 2023.
The Advisor Committee
It will be formed of three Academic Advisors (can be external to the partners) appointed by consensus within the Consortium. The Committee will analyze the content of the Subjects on a continuous basis, check their suitability and propose any possible modifications to the Academic Committee, depending on the technical and scientific advances or social needs that arise in the activities of ARURCOHE. The roles of the three Academic Advisors ensure that ARURCOHE has an updated relationship with the academic world and society in general.
Santiago Sánchez-Beitia full professor at the School of Architecture of Donostia-San Sebastián (University of the Basque Country) will be the president.