FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
1. Previous experience
The programme is open to holders of an official higher official higher education degree from one or more universities in the field of architecture, civil engineering, urban planning or equivalent. Applicants should have a higher education degree according to the following criteria: successful completion of a 5-year (300 ECTS) university study program associated to a regulated profession (Architects, urbanists, civil engineers and equivalent).
The 300 credits can be achieved with a graduate degree or with a graduate degree plus a master´ degree.
2. Calendar third intake
- Beginning of the registration period: February 3, 2025
- Deadline: 1st April 2025, European and North American applicants can apply until April 30th 2025
- Notification of the initial selection of applicants: 15th April 2025 (non europeans) or 15th May 2025 (europeans and north americans)
- Acceptance by the applicants to be enrolled in ARURCOHE: 1st May 2025 (non europeans) or 30th May 2025 (european and north americans)
- Bureaucratic process (obtaining of visas, legal copy of the academic scores, ...): 1st May 2025 - 15th August 2025
- Reception
of the students at Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain) will start in the ETSASS
(UPV/EHU) headquarters: 22th September 2025 morning (11.00 h. Brussels
time). Tasks: signing of insurance and student agreement, accommodation, ... Students will be previously contacted.
- Start of the first edition of ARURCOHE (Inaugural Act): 1st October 2025 morning (11.00 h. Brussels time)
3. Which documents are needed for the application to ARURCOHE ?
- Copy of the ID/ passport (passport will be required for students outside Schengen area)
- Proof of country of residence (copy in English). It cannot be certified through the ID/passport
- Certified copy of the transcript of records of all courses taken to achieve the highest degree obtained (in English)
- Certified copy of the highest degree obtained, stating credits, average grade and workload (in English)
- Copy of Language Certificates (*)
- Full curriculum vitae in English (Europass format is prefereable)
- Letter of motivation to participate in ARURCOHE (in English)
- Recommendation letters from academic staff members or professionals (in English)
- Special needs evidence (in English)
- Any supplementary information/work that may be consider relevant by the Applicant (in English)
(*) An applicant with a native language other than English needs to prove that he/she has sufficient fluency in English. Applicants whose native language is English is not required to provide some kind of Language Certificate. Applicants who have studied in English do not need to justify their level of knowledge of the English language.
4.- Problems in sending the "pdf" file
Template file has to be sent by email. Please make sure that the link to your merit file is of free access. Any questions or problems will be attended by the ARURCOHE Secretariat (arurcohe@ehu.eus).
5.-There are different tuition fees depending on the origin of the candidates ?
No, the selection of scholarship and non-scholarship students depends solely on the merits provided by the applicants. Two kind of students are involved in ARURCOHE: the 18 top ranked will be scholarships students, the next 12 top ranked will be non-scholarships partially funded (Type 2 students). The only restriction is the geographical balance of the Erasmus+ Programme.