External contribution news
External contribution news

Prof. Juan Calatrava, School of Architecture, University of Granada. October 2023
Prof. Mario Sangalli, School of Architecture, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. October 2023
Ms. Rocio Peña, Architect. October 2023
Dr. David Ordóñez, Teacher and researcher at the University of Porto (Portugal). October 2023
Mr. Kebi Jiménez, Central Library of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. November 2023
Dr. Urtzi Llano, School of Engineering, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
TECNALIA sessions: 23th, 29th and 30th of November 2023. Dr. Juan Antonio Chica and Dr. Maider Alzola
Sessions: 8th, 9th and 17th January 2024. Ms. Susana Landrove,
Architect, and Mr. Celestino García Braña, Architect. Directorate of
DOCOMOMO Ibérico. Also participate Dr. Architect Fernando Agrasar and Dr. Architect Sara Pérez
ARURCOHE has recently become a member of PTEC (Spanish Construction Technology Platform) which in turn is a part of the European Construction Platform