Selection Procedure


ARURCOHE Programme ensures to undertake a selection process in a fair, transparent, coherent and documented way, in line with the provisions of its contract with the European Commission and within the ECHE Charter. 

A) Selection procedure (costs free) starts through the Contact page and inscription.

B) Applicants will send a copy of the identity card/passport, certificate of country of residence, the academic scores and where were achieved, the Curriculum Vitae, reference letters and the languages knowledge. Complementary information will be considered. It is mandatory to make mention of the selected Path where the Master Dissertation will be placed. In the case of students with special needs, the type of needs must be indicated. All the documentation will be addressed following the instructions in the "Contact page and inscription" page in an unified file (".pdf" format) .

C) Each one of the three members of the Academic Committee (excluding the Programme Director) will assess numerically all the applicants by using the following evaluation criteria and weighted score: 

Academic performance Student Transcripts: 30%

Curriculum Vitae: 30%

Motivation letter and previous experience ARURCOHE related: 15%

Recommendation/references: 15%

Other merits: 10%

The maximum evaluation will be 100 points. For each applicant, the maximum and minimum evaluation will be eliminated considering as definitive punctuation the remaining score of the three numerical punctuations. Academic scores will be evaluated following the European Qualifications Framework National Coordination Points-EQF18 NCPs. In ex aequo cases, priority will be given to the highest scores for "Curriculum Vitae" and then "Academic performance". 

D) Ranked list. Depending on the score obtained, a single list of applicants will be built. An Excel file has been programmed to meet the Erasmus+ Programme geographical balance. Only the name of the applicants, the country of residence, the selected Path and the three punctuations from the Academic Committee have to be encoded by hand. Through different algorithms and iterations, the Excel file detects the middle punctuations and organizes the scores in descendent order. The algorithm will identify:

1.- To be awared scholarships. The 12 top-ranked applicants from the EU Member States and from the Third Countries Associated with the Programme and the 6 top-ranked applicants from targeted countries (NDICI and IPA III countries). No more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation (five editions) should be awarded to candidates from the same nationality (this rule does not apply to scholarships from NDICI and IP III countries). 

2.- The number of applicants in total by selected Path in Master Dissertation.

3.- The rest of the applicants ordered by punctuation (proposed for non-scholarships).

E) Initial selection procedure. The 12 top-ranked applicants from the EU Member States and from the Third Countries Associated wth the Programme; and the 6 top-ranked applicants from targeted countries (NDICI and IPA III) will be proposed for ARURCOHE Programme scholarships. These 18 applicants agree with the geographical conditions of the Erasmus+ Programme. The next 12 top-ranked applicants will be proposed as non-scholarships partially funded by ARURCOHE Program.

A final consideration is about the number of students by Path in the Master Dissertation (in order to reach a similar number of students in each Path). For the first 30 applicants (escholarships and non-scholarships), the 15 top-ranked in a Path will be respected; those worst scored on this Path will be contacted by phone and/or email to modify their choice at the another Path. The selected Path of the sel-funded in full students will be respected.


Applicants whose scholarship application is rejected may appeal the decision if he/she believes that the application procedure has not been correctly followed. This appeal must be made within 7 days of the notification being sent to the applicant. The ARURCOHE Academic Committee will then consider this appeal and produce a final decision within 7 days after receipt of all appeals.

F) Final selection. The ranked list of applicants will be elaborated by communicating individually the proposed scholarship (18) and the non-scholarships partially funded (12). If an applicant refuses to join the ARURCOHE Programme, the following qualified will be contacted. A supplementary iteration will not be performed because it could alter the initial order.